KyU Drama Club excelled in the National Drama Festivals held on April 6-9, 2018 at Moi Girls High School Nairobi. The performing teams emerged first overall and were awarded trophies for;
The team was in addition awarded 81 certificates of merit in the various categories altogether pushing KyU Drama Club to the top and elevating central region of Kenya to number one positon overall country wide.
Prof. Mary Ndung’u, the Vice Chancellor of KyU was also voted the best producer overall.
The office of the Vice Chancellor KyU and that of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, ASA congratulate on behalf of the entire KyU fraternity, our Drama Club team for the sterling performance.
“Well done Drama Club”, “well done KyU”, “Fairgo KyU ”.
The KyU Drama Club was on Friday April 13, 2018 invited for a special feature at KTN prime time news cast and displayed exceptional talent in the Narrative category for which KyU Drama Club was first overall during the National Drama Festivals held in Nairobi on April 6-9, 2018.
The club was further invited for a special feature at KTN on Sunday April 15, 2018 in the Modern Dance and Solo Verse categories for which KyU Drama Club also emerged first overall during the National Drama Festivals but our teams could not make it to KTN studios in Nairobi due to the ongoing University examinations.
The office of the Vice Chancellor and that of the Deputy Vice Chancellor ASA congratulate on behalf of the KyU fraternity, the Drama Club for exceptional performance.
Well done Drama Club, well done KyU, “Fairgo KyU ”.
The office of the Vice Chancellor and that of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, ASA, KyU are proud to announce the encouraging act of support by KyUSCO Council, through SOMESHA COMRADE initiative.
“Well done SGC and fair go KyU”
The KyU Drama club excelled in the just concluded Central Region Drama Festival held at Meru University from 19-23 March, 2018
At an event that was attended by seventeen (17) universities and technical colleges, our team emerged position one (1) overall in Modern Dance, two in Choral Verse and Narrative respectively, three in Mime, four in Solo verse and play respectively and six in stand-up-comedy.
KyU team was awarded four trophies for: Modern Dance, Choral verse, Narrative and mime. They also received eleven special award certificates in: Best costume and Décor Solo verse, Best costume and décor modern dance, best item on Environmental Conservation (Solo Verse), Best item on conflict Resolution (Choral verse), Best costume and décor (Narrative), Runners up best; costume and décor, presentation, composed (choral Verse), 2nd runners up best costume and décor mime and Adjudicators Award (Play). In addition, six items proceeded to the National Drama festivals which was held between 6- 9 April, 2018 at Moi Girls School, Nairobi.
The office of the Vice Chancellor KyU and that of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, ASA, congratulate on behalf of the entire KyU fraternity, our Drama Club members for the sterling performance.
“Well done KyU Drama Club”, - “Well done KyU”.