10th January 2017 scholarships opportunities
The Office of DVC (ASA) informs CoDs, HoDs, staff and prospective postgraduate students that 10th January 2017 scholarships opportunities have been uploaded on the KyU website. You are all advised to visit the platform to download, peruse and respond appropriately.
http://kyu.ac.ke/index.php/2015-07-08-06-46-13/downloads/category/28-postgraduate-scholarship-opportunities7th & 9th January 2017 scholarships opportunities
The Office of DVC (ASA) informs CoDs, HoDs, staff and prospective postgraduate students that 7th & 9th January 2017 scholarships opportunities have been uploaded on the KyU website. You are all advised to visit the platform to download, peruse and respond appropriately.
http://kyu.ac.ke/index.php/2015-07-08-06-46-13/downloads/category/28-postgraduate-scholarship-opportunities13th & 15th June 2016 Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CoDs, HoDs, staff and prospective postgraduate students that 13th & 15th June 2016 Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
10th June 2016 Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CoDs, HoDs, staff and prospective postgraduate students that 10th June 2016 Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
24th May - 7th June Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CoDs, HoDs, staff and prospective postgraduate students that 24th May - 7th June Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
ACU Commonwealth Scholarships for Masters Studies
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CoDs, HoDs, staff and prospective postgraduate students that ACU Commonwealth Scholarships for masters studies is now available on the KyU website as detailed down below. You are all advised to peruse and respond as appropriate.
Applications are invited for the 2016-2017 Commonwealth Fellowships for various masters progammes.
Applicants must be citizens of any commonwealth country and be holders of a first degree (Second Class Honours or above) in a discipline relevant to the study proposed.
Courses are scheduled to begin in early 2017 in:
Papua New Guinea
South Africa
South Pacific
Sri Lanka
The scholarships provide
·Return economy airfare from the scholar’s home country to the host country
·An arrival allowance of USD 500 to cover removal costs
·Full tuition fees
·A monthly/quarterly stipend intended to cover living costs, sustenance and local transport. Scholars will need to cover accommodation costs from their stipend.
For more information click on link below:
24th March Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 24th March Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
21st March Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 21st March Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
17th March Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 17th March Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
16th March Scholarship Opportunities 2016
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 16th March Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
18th February 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 18th February Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
17th February 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 17th February Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
16th February 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 16th February Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
15th February 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 15th February Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
MSc/PhD Scholarships for African Students in Related Nuclear Engineering in China
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that MSc/PhD Scholarships for African Students in Related Nuclear Engineering in China have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
26th January 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 26th January Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the platform to view, download the document and respond as appropriate.
AAI-EADB Scholarship Program!
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19th Jan 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 19th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 19th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 page to view and download the document.
14th Jan 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 14th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 14th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 page to view and download the document.
12th Jan 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 12th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 12th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 page to view and download the document.
7th Jan 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 7th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 7th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 page to view and download the document.
4th Jan 2016 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 4th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 4th Jan Scholarship Opportunities 2016 page to view and download the document.
17th December 2015 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 17th December Scholarship Opportunities 2015 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 17th December Scholarship Opportunities 2015 page to view and download the document.
4th December 2015 Scholarship Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 4th December Scholarship Opportunities 2015 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 4th December Scholarship Opportunities 2015 page to view and download the document.
7th December 2015 Scholarships Opportunities
The Office of Deputy Principal ARSA informs CODs, HODs and all staff that Postgraduate 7th December Scholarship Opportunities 2015 have been uploaded on the KyU website under the Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities section. You are all advised to visit the Postgraduate 7th December Scholarship Opportunities 2015 page to view and download the document.
- Australia Award Scholarship http://australiaawardsindo.or.id
- LPDP Scholarshhip http://www.beasiswalpdp.org/index.html
- DIKTI Scholarship Dalam Negeri http://www.beasiswa.dikti.go.id/dn/ Luar Negeri http://beasiswa.dikti.go.id/ln/
- Turkey Government Scholarship http://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/index.php/en
- General Cultural Scholarship India http://www.iccrindia.net/gereralscheme.html
- USA Government Scholarship a. http://www.aminef.or.id/index.php http://www.iief.or.id
- Netherland Government Scholarship http://www.nesoindonesia.or.id/beasiswa
- Korean Government Scholarship http://www.niied.go.kr/eng/contents.do…
- Belgium Government Scholarship http://www.vliruos.be/4273.aspx
- Sciences Po France http://formation.sciences-po.fr/…/the-emile-boutmy-scholars…
- Utrecht University Netherland http://www.uu.nl/…/grantsandscholarships/Pages/utrechtexcel…
- Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia http://www.pmbs.ac.id/s2/scholarship.php?lang=ENG
- Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship http://www.mofat.gov.bn/index.php/announcement
- Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp/sch.html
- Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia https://gradschool.paramadina.ac.id/…/paramadina-medco-fell…
- PPM School of Management Indonesia http://ppm-manajemen.ac.id/beasiswa-penuh-s2-mm-reguler/
- University of Twente Netherland http://www.utwente.nl/internationa…/scholarshipsandgrants/…/
- Sweden Government Scholarship http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/
- Chinese Government Scholarship http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua/scholarshipdetailen.aspx…
- Taiwan Government Scholarship http://www.studyintaiwan.org/taiwan_scholarships.html
- United Kingdom Government SCholarship http://www.chevening.org/indonesia/
- Panasonic Scholarship Japan http://panasonic.net/citizensh…/scholarships/…/requirements/
- Ancora Foundation Scholarship http://ancorafoundation.com
- Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Japan http://www.api-fellowships.org/body/
- AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship http://www.seed-net.org/index.php
- Art Asia Major Scholarship Korea National University of Arts http://eng.karts.ac.kr:81/karts/board/list.jsp…
- Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan http://www.apu.ac.jp/home/life/index.php?content_id=30
- Seoul National University Korea http://en.snu.ac.kr/…/gradu…/scholarships/before-application
- DIKTIS Overseas Scholarship http://www.pendis.kemenag.go.id/beasiswaln/
- Honjo International Scholarship Foundation Japan http://hisf.or.jp/english/sch-f/
- IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology http://www.isdb.org/irj/portal/anonymous…
- International HIV & Drug Use Fellowship USA http://www.iasociety.org/fellowship.aspx
- Nitori International Scholarship Foundation Japan http://www.nitori-shougakuzaidan.com/en/
- School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia http://sgpp.ac.id/pages/financial-conditions
- Inpex Scholarship Foundation Japan
- Asia University Taiwan http://ciae.asia.edu.tw/AdmissionsScholarship.html
- Macquaire University Australia http://hdr.mq.edu.au/information_about/Scholarships/schol-opportunities/hdr_scholarship_international_candidates_only/international_postgraduate_research_scholarship_iprs